Skip Slave Counter with GTID_MODE ON #ERROR 1858 (HY000)

With generic asynchronous MySQL Replication we often use skip_slave_counter to tackle / skip anonymous transactions which creates errors or halt MySQL Replication. But if we try to skip slave counter whilst GTID_MOD is ON we get following error. ERROR 1858 (HY000): sql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. […]


MySQL and memory Allocators malloc, tcmalloc and jemalloc

Memory Allocation in UNIX: UNIX uses C dynamic memory allocation libraries for memory allocation. Namely malloc, realloc, calloc and free   are used.  Functions of these liberaries are given below.   Function Description malloc allocates the specified number of bytes realloc Increases or decreases the size of the specified block of memory. Reallocates it if needed calloc allocates the specified number […]


Deprecated variables in MySQL 8

The following system variables, status variables, and options have been deprecated in MySQL 8.0. Deprecated : expire_logs_days: Purge binary logs after this many days. Added: binlog_expire_logs_seconds: Sets the binary log expiration period in seconds.This is to replace the expire_logs_days. Deprecated : innodb_undo_tablespaces: The number of tablespace files that rollback segments are divided between. Deprecated as […]


MySQL 8 Invisible Indexes

Invisible Indexes Invisible indexes is new feature added in MySQL 8.0. This feature can help us to mark an index as   unavailable for use by optimizer. This means that index will still be maintained and kept  up to date  in metadata dictionary as data is modified. These marked indexes are not permitted to be used […]


Oracle VS MySQL file architecture

Oracle VS MySQL file architecture For  Oracle database administrator, when it comes to learn new technology it always starts from comparison with respect to physical or logical architecture. Physical file architecture  comparison is given below , I hope it will be very useful for Oracle or MySQL database administrators who want to learn either of […]


Read files using arrays in Bash script

Read files using arrays in Bash script I have following file with some numeric contents in it bash-4.2$ cat /tmp/araytest.txt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 If we would like save the file contents in Array. We can using following method. while read LINE do ARRAY+=(“$LINE”) done […]


Oracle database migration limitations across platforms

Oracle database migration limitations across platforms      


EMD upload error: Upload was successful but collections currently disabled – disk full

EMD upload error: Upload was successful but collections currently disabled – disk full #Cause The EMD disk system shows used percent at 99%. The agent default for space required for upload files is 98%. The collections will stop when the space on the disk is beyond that. if you find above error then do following […]


Redefine Table Online

Redefining Tables Online in  Oracle


How to get DDL for roles

How to get DDL for roles – oracle